Re: More problems with Debian and list SPAM
I demand that Reagan Blundell may or may not have written...
> On Sat, Feb 16, 2002 at 03:37:36PM +0100, Manfred Wassmann wrote:
>> What I was pointing at is that whitelist filtering may be easily bypassed
>> if the email addresses on the whitelist are spread all over the web.
>> Just google for some message that appeared on a debian list, take the
>> sender address and use it as the fake sender of your spam.
> And just how many spammers do you think would know enough about how the
> debian mailing list spam filters would be set up, and also have the
> motivation to spend the effort to do that?
Most won't, I imagine. But all that's required is for one who produces the
spamming tools to do this...
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