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uniquely identifying a maintainer...

Hi fellas,

today I looked about some of our web pages like bugs.d.o, packages.d.o,
lintian.d.o in order to collect some information about building something
like the often proposed 'developer portal'. However I noticed a problem.
I am not sure how to uniquely identify a Debian Developer resp. Package
Maintainer. OK, if one is DD, he has got a dn at db.d.o. But:

 - control files list often more than one email address for one maintainer
 - control files list often different names (e.g. with or without a
   middle name) for the same maintainer.
 - we have maintainers not recorded in the LDAP tree

Now, when one wants to create say a portal providing links to all pages
of interest for a certain package maintainer that would not be possible
without having inconsistent or incomplete data on that 'portal'. This is
because the relation "package(s) <-> maintainer" is not uniquely and 
bi-directionally resolvable. Me for my part I could have packages listing:

Package: foo
Maintainer: Joerg Wendland <joergland@debian.org>

Package: bar
Maintainer: Joerg Wendland <jorgland@sol.wh-hms.uni-ulm.de>

Package: foobar
Maintainer: Jörg Wendland <joergland@debian.org>

This is actually not really desired and my packages all (Ok, they are not 
as numerous) have identical Maintainer fields.  But this is possible. 
Now consider the task 'give me all packages of mine'. I could neither use 
the email address nor the name. Or 'give me all packages of the person 
maintaining package foo'.

Any comments? Perhaps even solutions?

  Jo"Da Confusa"erg

PS: kick [here] if this was discussed before...

Joerg "joergland" Wendland
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