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changing permissions during install

SE Linux requires that certain files have specific security contexts (well 
they don't have to have them, but they may be blocked from what they want to 
do otherwise).

For example the dhclient program needs permission to write to 
/etc/resolv.conf, to assign IP addresses to interfaces, and to do raw reads 
and writes on the network.

If the postinst of the dhclient package starts it before it has the 
system_u:object_r:dhcpc_exec_t SID then it won't be able to operate.

I would like to be able to hook into the operation of dpkg so have my own 
code run after the files are installed but before postinst so I can change 
the security settings before the programs are run.

Is this possible?  If not then can things be changed to make it possible?

Manoj, am I asking a stupid question here?

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