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euro conversion utility

We are playing with some C code to make
a simple command-line euro2currency currency2euro converter.
I will package it as soon as we are happy with
the code :-)
This mail just to inform you we are working on it and to
know if someone is already working on something
similar... but it seems not (I also asked in #debian-devel). 


Gaetano Paolone GnuPG:69A5 548C 4145 1116 8CA9  2CB5 9448 3FA3 54DB 33D3
  Debian developer - bigpaul@debian.org.  Home: http://www.bigpaul.org
         http://www.linuxfaq.it: LDR Linux Domande e Risposte.
http://www.gnutemberg.org - Linuxlinks: http://www.linuxlinks.it by robk

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