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Re: support for multilingual Packages files?


At Wed, 18 Jul 2001 01:38:02 +0200,
"J\374rgen A. Erhard" <juergen.erhard@gmx.net> wrote:

> There was a mail by Akira <don't remember the last name>.  He put his
> Kanji name even in the From line... and SEMI displayed it quite
> correctly (and Emacs RMAIL displayed it in the body even with going
> into the MIME viewer).

Yes, some softwares such as Emacs can display various characters
in the world in X Window System environment and many Emacs-lisp
softwares also can.  However, we cannot force people in the world
to use Emacs in X.

> So, we europeans had such a transition before... I'm glad all that is
> past us (I hope!).

You are saying of ISO 646 variants.  It is true that ISO 646 era
was a confused age and ISO-8859 united the European world.  Similarly,
we can _hope_ that UTF-8 will again unite the world.  However, this
unification of world characters is not as easy as unification of
European characters.  Though we _hope_, I don't know whether we
_can_ completely migrate into UTF-8 and abondon other encodings
in future even after we will have complete UTF-8 support.

> PS: Could you write me an email with your real, Kanji-written name?  I
> know I cannot read it, but at least I've seen it.

Please see my web page http://www.debian.or.jp/~kubota/ for my real
name.  The page is constructed using content-negotiation like Debian
web page.  My name is written as five Kanji (first three are family
name and last two are personal name) in <H1> - </H1>.

Tomohiro KUBOTA <kubota@debian.org>
"Introduction to I18N"  http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/intro-i18n/

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