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Re: sponsor rules

>>>>> "Steven" == Steven Hanley <sjh@svana.org> writes:

    Steven> On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 02:01:25AM +0300, Richard Braakman
    Steven> wrote:
    >> (This is why I think the Maintainer field should point at the
    >> sponsor, with the sponsoree's name in the changelog.  But not
    >> many developers seem to agree with me on that.)

    Steven> well if some stuff about sponsors is going to go into
    Steven> policy, how about insisting all packages in the archive
    Steven> while still in sponsor stage have a sponsor field

    Steven> So dpkg --info or apt-cache show or whatever on the
    Steven> package will show

    Steven> Maintainer: Person maintaining package Sponsor: Debian
    Steven> Developer Sponsoring package

I think it would be good to have something like this, but I'd actually
propose generalizing to all NMUs.  It would be very useful to be able
to tell from dpkg -s output whether a package was an NMU and who to
include inc correspondance if it was.

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