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Re: real LSB compliance

>>>>> "Manoj" == Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:

    >>> "Sam" == Sam Hartman <hartmans@debian.org> writes:
    Sam> As Joey pointed out, LSB didn't use prefixes for init script
    Sam> names because they believed people would be annoyed if init
    Sam> script names were too long/had prefixes.  If you want people
    Sam> to consider your suggestion seriously, you should get the
    Sam> distributions to agree that prefixes are OK, or in some other
    Sam> way demonstrate that their concern was unjustified.

    Manoj> 	It would be far better if non vendor LSB conformant
    Manoj> add ons were the ones which had a mandatory prefix. I
    Manoj> suspect that lsb.2001- would'nt be a common prefix for init
    Manoj> files in most distributions.

    Manoj> 	Rationale: on most machines, there are way more vendor
    Manoj> init scripts than there are third party init scripts.

Agreed.  However, I find my suggestion preferable because it means
that in the general case (both vendor and third-party scripts
registered) no scripts need an annoying prefix.

I.E. because I don't find registration to be particularly honorous and
because I believe having all scripts registered provides a superior
user experience than having either vendor init scripts not registered
or having third-party init scripts not registered, I support
registration.  I was proposing the prefix as a way to insure
correctness in the case where the maintainer had not yet registered a
script.  The argument there is that correctness is more important than

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