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Re: LSB Compliance + DEB vs. RPM

> If you want to build a functionality database of .deb and .rpm stuff, please
> keep it seperate from the packaging format, it has nothing to do with it.

This is actually better idea. We would just need to make some
way (switch) how to make RPM/DPKG to ask this database about
the true dependencies and what the system actually really

Also in most cases when some software or library are in one
package, you are quite ok just with name translation. And for
software bundled within more packages, you can always use
some aliases in the style of debian 'task-' packages for the
functionality and say that this func. depends on this and that
package and maybe this group of pkgs provides this set of
functionality. This could work, no?  Maybe even this func.
db could make it into standard with time...


Jiri Klouda <jk@zg.cz>

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