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Re: Time to fight for our beloved DEB format!

pfaffben@msu.edu (Ben Pfaff)  wrote on 30.06.01 in <87ofr58i28.fsf@pfaffben.user.msu.edu>:

> Way, way back in the mists of Debian history, when Bruce Perens
> was project leader, we used to have fights over rpm vs. deb all
> the time.  What actual new arguments are there here?  I suppose
> "LSB says RPM is standard" is one, are there others?

"ed is the standard text editor."

What does that mean?

It means that there must be a functional ed, if a script wants to use it.

It does *not* mean that *users* have to actually use it.

LSB and RPM is a similar situation.

MfG Kai

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