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sdl-image1.2 fixed

Branden and Christian,
    Sorry that I misunderstood that the fix for this was 
already in place in the current libsdl-image1.2 package.
However on debian ppc sid it doesn't appear to work
unless I make the following change to the rules file.
I have to put a call to


before the ./configure occurs. Otherwise the build using

apt-get source sdl-image1.2
cd sdl-image1.2-1.2.1
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot

doesn't generate a usable shared lib. I find that armagetron
still segfaults with...

./armagetron: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: R_PPC_REL24 relocation at 0x0ffc48b4 for symbol `LoadBMP_RW' out of range

if I use the currently built versions of libsdl-image1.2 or rebuild them
locally. Again if I make that one minor line change to the rules, adding
a call to autoconf before configure, this appears to resolve the problems
with armagetron. At least on my machine. What I did notice is that unless
I invoke autoconf...all I ever get for 'grep library-libs *' is...

aclocal.m4:    SDL_LIBS_FOR_LIBS=`$SDL_CONFIG $sdlconf_args --library-libs`

even after building  sdl-image1.2 with 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot'
however only if I do autoconf does the change in aclocal.m4 get transmitted
to configure. Sorry again about the winding path to finding this fix
but at least it is a trivial one.

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