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Re: design issues in debian packages

On 20 Dec 2001, Brian May wrote:

> >>>>> "Adam" == Adam Heath <doogie@debian.org> writes:
>     Adam> What does that have to do with anything?  It's only the .foo
>     Adam> files that are shell scripts(or any other program, for that
>     Adam> matter).  And .* files should be ignored by the config
>     Adam> fragment reader.
> Sorry, I hadn't quite understood your proposal.
> What is the output/result of running the .foo executable? When does
> .foo get executed?

Scan for all files in *.d/.  Ignore *.dpkg-new, *.rpm-save type files.
Ignore .* files.

For each file found, if a .$file exists, and is executable, run it.  If .$file
returns true, process the file.  Otherwise, skip if.

If no .$file is found, or is not executable, process the file.

My script also has support for a header and footer.  It outputs all the file
fragments to $out.new, and if this is different than $out(it uses cmp), then
it installs the file.  Otherwise, it just deletes $out.new.

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