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Re: Hi there

On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 03:49:57AM +0100, HeatherF19@aol.com wrote:
> message:    Hi, my name is Heather and I am a 19 year old female from San Diego, California.  Ever since my 14th birthday, I have been really sexually active, but I am still a virgin.  Now I am 19 and away from home, attending school at San Diego State University and sharing a dorm with four of my girlfriends and are all VERY turned on to meet a guy and satisfy ALL of his pleasures.  To see our sexy pictures we took just last week and to meet some other couples, go to our site<br>< a href="http://www.lllil.com/heather/livewebcam";>http://www.lllil.com/heather/livewebcam<br><br><br></a>-1101

Heather, if you don't start wrapping your lines at <80 columns
when posting to this list, you're liable to incur the wrath of
a guy we call Branden.

#  _  _ . .|  _ _ ._ ._  _ ._  space software lab    #
# |_)(_||_|| (_(_|| || |(_)| | utah state university #
# |                                                  #
#   software developer at large                      #
#   info: http://ssl.usu.edu/paul/                   #
#   email: paul@cannon.cs.usu.edu                    #
#   spam doesn't seem to satisy my pleasures..       #

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