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Hi all!

After taking a quick look at update_excuses I wondered what packages are
the 'bottleneck' for advancements in testing. So I wrote a perl hack to
extract all unsatisfied i386 dependencies from update_excuses and
produce a overall count. It only consideres 'Valid candidates' which
have such dependencies.

Here is the output for today.

13	'guile-core'
7	'libsdl1.2'
7	'ocaml'
7	'glib1.3'
6	'heimdal'
4	'gnome-vfs'
4	'libgtop'
3	'libwmf'
3	'gal'
3	'libgeda'

The script can be found at 

Regards, David
Signaturen sind wie Frauen. Man findet selten eine Vernuenftige
	-- gesehen in at.linux

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