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Re: NMU and hijacking of gnome-apt

On Thu, 22 Nov 2001 22:00:02 +0000
Rob Bradford <rob@debianplanet.org> wrote:

> Sounds like a good idea, but bear in mind why the package seems to have been
> abandoned somewhat. Primarily this is due to the development of the deity
> package manager IIRC. But of course variety is the spice of life.
yes, deity is going to be cool, but it is quite unusable right now, I 
won't give my girlfriend a tool that uses the terminal from wich it was
opened to let the user interact with dpkg... I just want to put it on
the gnome panel as a launcher =), besides, deity-gtk is very unstable
and segfaults quite often

another reason is deity is not so user friendly, it is not easy to understand
how the thing works at first, gnome-apt's "Search" is much more intuitive
than deity's "Filter" for a beginner.

thanks for the comments anyway, (and yes, I'll be willing to give up
gnome-apt if deity become what gnome-apt is today or better =))


    Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov <http://www.metainfo.org/kov>
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