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NMU and hijacking of gnome-apt

Hello Developers!

I've been playing with gnome-apt for quite a while now and I think
it is the package manager I'll teach my girlfriend... it is the
best I've seen so far in a GUI environment.

But... gnome-apt seems to be abandoned for a long time now and
only NMUs have been done. I'm now willing to adopt it (although
it is not up for adoption) as the apt maintainer's don't seem
to care about it.

I've even fixed really simple bugs in a previous upload (splashscreen
is now appearing =)) and did some maintaince on the bugs list.

I've now an NMU ready to go wich fixes: #50273, #55151, #50533,
#50557, and #69820. (3 of those are for the most annoying
bug in gnome-apt, wich will make the dpkg's interation window go
black when scrolling).

I asked the apt's maintainers mail (apt@packages.debian.org) 
two days ago for uploading it and for taking the package as mine. 
Ok, I know it's a quite little time, but given that the last 
maintainer upload was done in:
 -- Mitch Blevins <mblevin@debian.org>  Sat, 18 Sep 1999 07:43:50 -0400
and that the woody freeze is going on, I'd decided to post this here.

I'd like comments about what should I do, can I take the package?

There are three bugs[1] wich I know were fixed for quite some time
should I just close them or tag them fixed while I'm not the

[1]: 36253, 39052, 42569


    Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov <http://www.metainfo.org/kov>
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| `. `'`  + Q: "Why did the chicken cross the road?"          +
|   `-    | A: "Upstream's decision." -- hmh                  |
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