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Re: No mplayer package?

 I am current maintainer of ./debian directory from mplayer sources.
  about copyrights, this has been stated many times, but I'll repeat
mplayer code is GPL, but since it is very tightly fitted to the hardware
it's running on during ./configure it is not recommended nor welcomed by
developers to create binary packages of mplayer in it's current form. 
So distribution of of such curiosa is not welcomed and 'forbidden' but
not in legal terms - i.e. developers will hate you and that's all.
 All and all if someone would provide nice wording of this, it would be
great and mplayer would accept this - mplayer is about getting job done,
not about playing with words and legal/license issues.

 For inclusion in debian there are some other things - mplayer uses decore
from opendivx, which would be impossible to have in debian AFAIK, postprocessing
used some code copied from odivx .. etc.. 
 But those issues are rather temporary - in cvs there already is GPLed postprocessing,
which is way faster (3dnow, mmx, .. optimized) than one used before.

> >> -Optimisation is made at compile time, ie. a package with optimal
> > Not a problem.
It IS a problem. 
One solutions will be provided with packages of ffmpeg coming to sid ( their maintainer
is planning to provide mplayer-src package that will build itself much like pine-src
does now ) - contact  Pasztor Gyorgy <pasztor@linux.guakg.u-szeged.hu> for this.

> Why? Are you thinking of different packages for different
> optimizations (like mpg123, mplayer-3dnow, mplayer-sse, ...) or would
> you build it with no optimizations (=i386) or would you make it a
 How about single package with frontend binary that autodetects CPU features and
 uses sub-binary that fits best?

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