Re: packages that depend on automake | automake1.5
>>>>> "Steve" == Steve M Robbins <> writes:
Steve> Hullo,
Steve> Installing automake1.5 has caused glade-gnome to be deinstalled unless
Steve> I force it.
Steve> * glade-gnome recommends automake (>= 1.4-1)
Steve> * automake1.5 is version 1.5-1.1, and "provides" automake
Steve> Who, if anyone, is at fault here?
Steve> Is it "dselect" for not honouring the fact that automake1.5
Steve> provides "automake" and the version is indeed >= 1.4 ? Or
Steve> should glade-gnome recommend "automake | automake1.5", if
Steve> such a construct is even possible? Or ... ?
Such a setup requires version dependencies on virtual packages to
I do not know if this has been implemented yet, or if it can be used
yet (considering that it may have only been implemented for unstable
but not stable).
As for the solution, I will leave that for somebody else to decide
However, I am a bit surprised, just because a "recommends" cannot be
satisfied, why should that package be removed?
Brian May <>
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