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Re: ALSA 0.9: Nothing is compiled for it

The Doctor What <docwhat@gerf.org> immo vero scripsit

> I discovered that while 0.4 and 0.5 had tons of problems with only
> some .debs being compiled for the right libraries, that NO .debs
> have been compiled for use with libasound2 (ALSA 0.9).
> What is the story?  Are we going to ship Woody with 0.4 0.5 and 0.9
> with none working right, especially if you don't use the OSS
> emulation layer?

The story is that the ALSA maintainer and the upstream has had the 
attitude of breaking backwards compatibility on every beta release, 
and thus causing serious bugs on packages which build-depended on 
libasound2-dev when a new version of ALSA was released.

And I am waiting for this crazy party is over.

ALSA 0.9 is in no way fixed, and does not have a 
stable interface (yet), as far as I can see, and it will  (probably)
have a different interface on every BETA release, which
means, that things which are compiled against 
libasound2 will need to be recompiled when another 
ALSA BETA release comes out.

My suggestion is to use the ALSA OSS emulation layer.
Using libasound2 should be done with caution.


dancer@debian.org  http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer

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