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Re: apache2: clearing the air [please read]

On Oct 18,  9:49pm, Daniel Stone wrote:
> Read the source of a2enhost some day. It's very simple. Do it yourself
> it you want an external interface.

Yep, but that's additional work ;^)

> > Not only it puts logs outside /var/log, it also creates tons of logfiles
> > which is not quite what I want.
> You can't win 'em all.


IMVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVHO the only sane way to keep apache logs is to put them
all together in some format that is more sane than CLF. But that's only my
opinion ;^)


 (___)  | Pawel Wiecek ------------------- <coven@vmh.net> <+48603240006> |
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