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Re: woody is getting worse... - X bug

> "root::0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash"
> How hard it is for users to fix, or for you to fix isn't the question,
> remotely.
> > If there are people using woody who can't handle firing up a text editor
> > to remove a pair of quotes from a 2-line file, they need to go back to
> > playing Pong.
> That one'd be your basic "ad hominem". The point of "testing" and
> "unstable" isn't to separate the men from the boys, it's to prepare a
> new stable operating system.
> Cheers,
> aj

I was playing with different session managers at the tiem the X bug hit me
and so started looking in all the wrong places.  Took 2 hours
of my time to figure out in detail how the Xsession.d directory
worked and that I should just remove the quotes.

only to find that very message in the apt news the next day.


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