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Summery [was OpenOffice]

Hi Debians...

I want to summerise some facts of papckaging OpenOffice.

First, I want to know, who could compile OpenOffice suggestfully and which
libs and libs-dev had to be installed to build it.
Important to know is, which branch of OpenOffice compiled fine, too.

I'm working on OpenOffice 633 but it doesn't compile, it hangs on the same
error (see my posting to that). 

Then, a few people diskussed, whether OpenOffice will be suitable for sid or
not. The result is, that we put OpenOffice, when it is ready, into sid.

The next problem is the stupid buildsystem. I depends on autoconfig and
libtool, but the buildsystem is created to build OpenOffice on
Windows/MacOS, too.
You have to use csh to set env- vars to compile it and for compiling, you
must in the csh, too.
And, there is no make (dist)clean, did anyone find it, me not.
The next problem is, that the source of OpenOffice includes some of libs,
which are built as deb's for debian, for example libxmltok1.
I would be fine to know more of it, so we are able to build OpenOffice
against our libs and not against the libs of OpenOffice.
noshadow "Bernhard R. Link" <blink@informatik.uni-freiburg.de> found out,
that OpenOffice brings his own IDL with it, he could tell us more of the
differents about the OpenOffice IDL and "our" idl, if he want. :)

An advance will be, if we leave the OpenOffice source- tree, how it be, we
only have to build the debs for the applications, word, calc etc,
or we'll try to find out, which libs are all in the OpenOffice source- tree
and create a deb for every of it?

I found out, that many of this code depends or is code from the mozilla. 

This takes me to the question, if anyone does an idea of debianising the
source or if anyone debianised the source successfully (or has a try)?
I would be pleased, if her/he will send the debian-directory to me, thanks.

Noshadow told me, that the developper are discussing on ther mailinglists,
that they want to go away from autoconf and libtool for the buildsystem.
I subscribed to this list today, so I cant't tell any more, but maby
noshadow can.

The next point is the JDK.
The build of OpenOffice will depend on Suns JDK >= 1.2, but this is a
problem. This was discussed at the beginning of the february of this year.
JDK >= 1.2 is highly non-free (Stephen [gibreel@pobox.com]), so, if debbuild
OpenOffice, we could only upload it to contrib.
Kaffee will support all the functions of JDK, but seems to be to buggy for
it. Alan Shutko <ats@acm.org> and Jeffry Smith
<smith@missioncriticallinux.com> reported, that OpenOffice built fine
without Java and worked fine, too.
They didn't miss any functions.

What would we do, try with or without Java.

In my opinion, we should, if we want Java, build OpenOffice with Kaffee, so
we are able to upload OpenOffice to main. :)
It is under GPL, so it has to be there IMHO :) !

Last but not least, Wouter asked, if we could create a special mailinglist
for OpenOffice. Martin "Joey" Schulze will create us an unofficial
mailinglist, if we want to?
I will ask him then.

Perhaps, we will open an irc-channel in OPN, like debian-office?

One time, you all will be emulated by linux!

Jan- Hendrik Palic
E-Mail: "palic@billgotchy.de"

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