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Re: OpenOffice

On Fri, 10 Aug 2001, Glenn wrote:

> The ./bootstrap routine in the CVS verison looks to have changed quite a
> bit.
> I have a lot to learn about autoconf, could the following errors be due to
> the recent changes in autoconf (re v2.13 and normal)

This is just an bug in the configure.in, exchange AC_CONFIG_HEADERS
with AM_CONFIG_HEADER (C->M and no plural S). (At least in the tmake-path)

Upstream also said it is an mistake and that they will fix it, when
their cvs-access is working again.

Though I think, we should leave their system (tmake and the other scripts)
alone and try to build it with autoconf/automake/libtool.
(As upstream is just an mess, it supports sparc exactly under netbsd,
solaris with special additions ..., and almost of their complex system
is only complex to be able run/build under Windows or Mac )

This would also make it possible to make uno/api/the different application
independent source-packages and reflect the theoretical very
well-structured moduluarisation of OO.o.

  Bernhard R. Link

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