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Re: pam_group.so

>>>>> "Sam" == Sam Hartman <hartmans@debian.org> writes:

>>>>> "Brian" == Brian May <bam@debian.org> writes:
    Brian> How do I debug pam_group.so?  -- Brian May <bam@debian.org>

    Sam> build pam with debugging symbols.  gdb login.  Break on the
    Sam> call to pam_authenticate.  At that point you should have
    Sam> pam_group loaded and should be able to break within that
    Sam> module.  Be sure to disable login's alarm clock to avoid
    Sam> getting blown away by sigalrm.

Ok, I found one problem: the tty is tty1, not vc/1 as I originally
thought (need to updated my config files for devfs sometime).

I also found you can compile PAM with -DDEBUG, touch
/tmp/pam-debug.log, and get a lot of debugging output.

I still can't work out why pam_group doesn't work from gdm though, the
log files look OK:

[pam_group.c:check_account(715)] trying to set 3 groups
[pam_group.c:check_account(718)] gid[0]=25
[pam_group.c:check_account(718)] gid[1]=29
[pam_group.c:check_account(718)] gid[2]=24

this corresponds to this code:

    if (no_grps > 0) {
        int err;
        D(("trying to set %d groups", no_grps));
#ifdef DEBUG
        for (err=0; err<no_grps; ++err) {
            D(("gid[%d]=%d", err, grps[err]));
        if ((err = setgroups(no_grps, grps))) {
            D(("but couldn't set groups %d", err));
            _log_err("unable to set the group membership for user (err=%d)"
                     , err);
            retval = PAM_CRED_ERR;

but the groups are not set, nor does that error ever show up.

I suspect this might be something to do with the design of gdm,
perhaps pam_group.so is getting executed by a child process which is
not used after the user is authenticated?

If so, can such a problem get fixed?
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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