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Re: packages without .md5sums file?

> Previously Massimo Dal Zotto wrote:
> > Any idea?
> Someone should write a script to verify installed files using a CD
> of debs. As far as I know such a script does not exist at the moment.
> Wichert.

I have a small script which does this, but it relies on the .md5sums files
because I don't have debian CD's and have a lot of packages from different
sources and releases. This won't protect me from an expert intruder but will
quickly report changed files and discrepancies after a filesystem crash.
The problem is that many packages don't supply md5sums. I have also tried
tripwire but it is a pain because every time you install a package or
change a config you must update the db.

The problems I have found with my script are that it will flag many
configfiles which are legitimately modified and also many non configs
which are modified by postinst scripts, which in my opinion is generally
a bad idea.

Also I don't like the idea that checksums are recomputed on every machine
for every file installed. This will make the installation on slow machines
much slower.

I suggest that the we precompute the md5sums and store them in the package
file as is already done with many packages.

Massimo Dal Zotto

|  Massimo Dal Zotto               email: dz@cs.unitn.it               |
|  Via Marconi, 141                phone: ++39-0461534251              |
|  38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN)      www: http://www.cs.unitn.it/~dz/  |
|  Italy                             pgp: see my www home page         |

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