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Re: cramfs problems, also file(1)

>>"skaya" == skaya  <skaya@enix.org> writes:

 skaya> of course. but in this specific case, the human is asking "build
 skaya> me a kernel package --with initrd support",

	With you so far.

 skaya> and this support requires a specific patch. if this patch is
 skaya> not applied, the package will be unusable.

	At the moment. How long is this going to be the case? Is the
 patch never going to go into the kernel? Is there never going to be
 another patch that does similar things? Are your patch-detecting
 patterns never ever going to go out of date? 

	If the answer is that things may indeed be mutable, who is
 going to keep track of the mutability? How are you going to handle
 people using kernel-package with different variants of patches and

 skaya> testing whether or not the patch is applied would save a lot
 skaya> of time for people with funky kernels (i.e. not using debian
 skaya> sources for kernels).

	Umm, no. The human said: make it with initrd, and that is what
 we are going to do. We are not going to make half-baked guesses about
 whether the human is wrong, on the assumption that the patch applied
 is the same one we know about.

 skaya> I'm just wanting to avoid what seems to be a not-so-uncommon
 skaya> human error. 

	This solution is not the correct one for the problem. (I would
 say reading is, but ...). I am most certainly not going to build in a
 dependency on external patches and a related database of checks and
 patterns about when the modified behaviour ought to occur. 

 "You show me an American who can keep his mouth shut and I'll eat
 him." Newspaperman from Frank Capra's _Meet_John_Doe_
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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