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release names after Toy Story

Occasionally the subject comes up of where debian release names come from.  
Less occasionally the question comes up of what to do when all the good 
character names from Toy Story are used up.  Joost Kooij mentioned it 
recently and got me thinking.

This weekend I spent some time watching DVD's of the animated series ReBoot 
and it struck me this would be the perfect source for release names after Toy 
Story.  Like TS and TS2, ReBoot is all digitally animated.  The entire series 
takes place in a kind of virtual reality inside a computer.  The characters 
are all various aspects of computer programs or processes.  Their lives are a 
continuing saga of conflict with viral invaders and occasional onslaughts by 
the mysterious User.  The dialog is rife with computer puns.  It seems like a 
perfect fit to me.

Bud Rogers <budr@sirinet.net>   http://www.sirinet.net/~budr
All things in moderation.  And not too much moderation either.

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