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Re: madison

On Sun, Jul 15, 2001 at 11:02:01AM -0700, Rick Younie wrote:
> Maintainers can use a local shell function for this,
> def:/rick$ type mad
> mad is a function
> mad () 
> { 
>     ssh -l younie auric.debian.org madison "$@"
> }

As Robbe said, some maintainers (such as all of those who are in the NM queue)
do not have accounts on auric. This does not help them. What do you propose for
them? I support the idea of a read-only cgi (or other dynamic) wrapper around
madison. I wish I had the time to write such a thing (maybe after this week
when my summer Calculus II course will have finished :). Would it be OK to
simply accept user input via a web form, check it to make sure nothing
malicious was entered, and then run it via a shell as whatever user cgi scripts
normally run as, and return the output to the client? I might be able to knock
up an initial version of this during the next few days, though it might have to
wait until the weekend.

- Jimmy Kaplowitz

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