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Re: potato -> woody upgrade not smooth...

Nick Jennings wrote:
>  Agreed, dselect is much more powerfull than apt. 
>  And once you get used to it, it's painfully simple. The keys are a bit
>  strange at first.

If someone could come up with a set of keybindings that made more sense,
I would probably write programmable key bindings changing for dselect. 

I can't do this myself, since even the one people complain about most,
Enter to exit, makes sense to me after many long years of dselect:
you're posting the current set of changes to dselect, of course you use
Enter! Sorta like 'dd' makes not too much sense in vi but I've used it
many times in composing this message, w/o thinking about it.

see shy jo

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