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Re: What to do with ae...

 At 20010622.20:44:10 +0200, Wichert Akkerman wrote

  > Previously Dale Scheetz wrote:
  > > If there are no objections (or takers) I am ready to drop this package.
  > Objections? I expect celebrations!

I, for one, object. Until emacs is included on the base-floppies, I find ae a
damn sight easier to use than any other minimalist editor. ae is simple,
unpretentious, original in that it isn't just a cheap knock off of some other
lame editor, and quick to type. 

I hope Adam will push for its reacceptance into the base system.



Edward C. Lang:              edward.lang@anu.edu.au |   ___ ___ _ ___  |
Programmer at the Centre for Bioinformation Science |  / __| _ |_) __| |
Telephone:                          +61 2 6125 4717 | | (__| _ \ \__ \ |
Postal:        JCSMR, GPO Box 334 Canberra ACT 2601 |  \___|___/_|___/ |

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