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Re: anyone going to USENIX?

On Tue, Jun 19, 2001 at 01:47:34PM +0200, Christoph Martin wrote:
>  > Excellent.  It sounds like there will be a pretty decent number of
>  > Debian people there.  I live in Boston and would be willing to lead some
>  > excursions to some local pubs or restaurants.
> So, what came out of this? Do we have a booth at Usenix?

Sadly, it does not look good at the moment.  As I understand it (I'm not
the one dealing directly with USENIX) there's no way to get a booth
without paying for it, and Debian doesn't have money for such things.

Even if we don't have a booth, there will be enough Debian people there
that we definitely should have a BoF.  I'm not really interested in
hosting it myself, though.


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