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Re: /etc getting big

>>>>> "Casper" == Casper Gielen <casper@huiscomputer.homeip.net> writes:

    Casper> Does anyone actually share /usr ? Setting up sharing is
    Casper> rather easy, but maintaining it seems like hell. As /usr
    Casper> is RO shared dpkg will not be able to write to it from
    Casper> clients. We don't want it to write to /usr, but dpgk will
    Casper> not accept that make upgrading software that has both
    Casper> files in- and outside /usr impossible. Or is there some
    Casper> solution to this?

The diskless package does.

You configure a master system, where you install packages with dpkg or
apt, and run diskless-newhost which copies the /etc files and /var
directories for each client. All over directories (except for /tmp)
are shared.

(somewhat oversimplified)
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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