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Re: /etc getting big

Jukka Neppius <jkn@softavenue.fi>:
> After quick read it seems to me that moving /etc/X11 to /var/config/
> and linking it to /etc would not would not be against FHS.

Correct. As long as the /etc/X11 directory is always referred to with
that name, and not /var/config/X11, everything is nice.

> '/' should only have files needed to bring system up to single user
> state, mount /usr and restore backups.

Reasonable people disagree. As it happens, with today's and yesterday's
disk sizes, having a somewhat large /etc is not a problem and spreading
files on multiple partitions is more of a hassle. There is no way to
divide files on different partitions that satisfies everyone.

If the sysadmin wants to move part of /etc to some other partition, it
is his choice and Debian fully supports it. If Debian forces the move,
very few people will be happy. Therefore, status quo is pretty good.

Lars Wirzenius <liw@wapit.com>
Architect, Kannel WAP and SMS Gateway project, Wapit Ltd, http://www.kannel.org

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