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Re: Is there a tool which keeps track of space on filesystems during install?

On May 25,  3:37pm, Matthias Berse wrote:
> filesystem and trigger warnings if it get's to full. Yes I know apt
> tells me how much space will be used after install (or removal) of
> packages, but it does not tell me how much on which filesystem and it

It can't say more -- only the total installed size is stored inside .deb file
(and Packages file).  Actually there's no way dpkg-buildpackage could
calculate amount of space used on each filesystem in your particular setup
(for obvious reasons) and if apt-get was supposed to calculate it -- well, it
would have to download and unpack the file first...


 (___)  | Pawel Wiecek ------------------- <coven@vmh.net> <+48603240006> |
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