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Re: Woody upgrading problems, LILO and debconf

On Sun, 20 May 2001, Russell Coker wrote:

>On Sunday 20 May 2001 11:04, John Galt wrote:
>> >Or is it just more fun to flame me after I've resolved it?
>> Now that you mention it...it IS kind of cathartic flaming you after the
>> fact, but catharsis is not much good at undoing damage, just in making you
>> feel better about things after the fact.
>I have been doing some web searches on you.  I have been looking for any
>positive contributions you have made.  I have not found any reference to any
>software you have written, you do not develop any packages for Debian, and
>you don't seem to provide any helpful messages in any mailing lists.

*yawn* this tack again?  You're getting about as repetitive as Branden...

>John, in summary you seem to be a useless person with no positive
>contribution to make towards Debian or towards the world.

At least I don't have nearly as many negative contributions on my slate as
you...  How many people have accused me of breaking their system in the
last year?

>Are you paid by Microsoft to be disruptive?  Or is this just an outlet for
>your sociopathic personality?

Which is more disruptive and worthy of aspersions of having a paymaster in
Redmond: one who does nothing but bitch and moan (and, I might add,
occasionally gets things right) or one who actively disrupts
hundreds of linux systems every week?  Remeber that this started as a half
joking conspiracy theory implicating you in actively shanking lilo to push
people to grub.  Perhaps Perry had it wrong: perhaps your ultimate goal
is NT bootloader.  But if you wish, my present job is sort of due to
Redmond in a backhanded sort of way: you see, my Uni wants to get into
Linux in a big way because Redmond cut them off from the money teat... So
most of my local LUG is being offered jobs by said Uni.


There is an old saying that if a million monkeys typed on a million
keyboards for a million years, eventually all the works of Shakespeare
would be produced.   Now, thanks to Usenet, we know this is not true.

Who is John Galt?  galt@inconnu.isu.edu, that's who!

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