Re: Packages not making it into testing
On Sat, May 19, 2001 at 03:17:46PM +0200, Milan Zamazal wrote:
> >>>>> "AT" == Anthony Towns <> writes:
> AT> + swi-prolog uploaded 121 days ago, out of date by 111 days!
> AT> bus error building on sparc (89881)
> swi-prolog is going to be adopted by a new maintainer. AFAIK he works
> on some, ehm, bus error on Sparc now.
> Milan Zamazal
> --
> It's amazing how much better you feel once you've given up hope.
> (unknown source)
I also notice the swi-prolog in potato, the trace debugger doesnt work on
powerpc, gets a sig11, I was planning to look into it and see if I could fix
the problem, not for about three weeks though. I should probably try the
version in woody first to see if it is fixed but hey.
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