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Re: wishlist for dpkg

>>>>> "Petr" == Petr Cech <cech@atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz> writes:

    Petr> apt checks this. and if you have a corrupt .deb, it will get
    Petr> rolled back.  so, what's the problem?


1. apt-get doesn't support rsync.

So, if apt-get corrupted a file while downloading it, you have to down
load the entire thing all over again. This is slow and
expensive. Especially if the next download fails too.

2. apt-get will only check the MD5SUM if it was responsible for
downloading it.

In my case, after apt-get corrupted the file the first time I tried
downloading it, I downloaded it with rsync (but messed up the
parameters), and got apt-get to install it from there. However,
neither rsync or apt-get checked the MD5SUM.

There are other situations were you need to bypass apt-get and use
dpkg directly, too. eg. installing packages from experimental.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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