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Re: script for on-disk configuration file backup

* Matt Zimmerman 

| IMO, setserial should be changed to use /var/backups, since that is the
| FHS-blessed place for such things, and it tends to have more space available
| than /etc.

? It is?

According to the FHS in debian-policy, it says:

      5.  The /var Hierarchy


       Several directories are `reserved' in the sense that they should not be
       used arbitrarily by some new application, since they would conflict with
       historical and/or local practice.  They are:


Asking because I'm adopting cfengine, and it includes /var/backups and
lintian flags that as an error.


Tollef Fog Heen
Unix _IS_ user friendly... It's just selective about who its friends are.

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