Re: dm management of wm listings (kdm/gdm/etc..)
Ivan E. Moore II schrieb:
> I think that this method would probably reduce the amount of possible
> duplication as long as the update-dm script pulled it's wm listing from
> /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/x-window-manager for example. That way the only
> change any wm would have to do is add a call to update-dm in it's postinst.
> All dm's that would use this feature would then create a custom file and
> install it into /etc/X11/dm (for example) and run update-dm in it's postinst
> as well.
Have a look at update_wdm_wmlist, it get's a list of WMs by
looking at the x-{window,session}-manager alternatives.
Using the menu system's "needs=wm" entries would probably yield
too long titles for WDM.
ciao, 2ri
"Never" is almost always earlier than you think.
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