Re: How to block spam (Re: SPAM:come on dream world..)
At Wed, 02 May 2001 15:00:03 +0900,
Kenshi Muto wrote:
> > Is someone taking care of trying to avoid this kind of spam. For
> > example, by filling reports about open-relays to ?
> Maybe their ISP is not open-relay site, so it is impossible to block
> SPAM by orbs.
> I have a little drastic idea.
> I think the mailserver of may rejects mails which contain
> "Content-Type: .* charset=iso-2022-jp" or
> "Content-Type: .* charset=euc-jp" in header.
> All of Japanese who want meaningful discussions use the English
> language (Content-Type: US-ASCII) on Debian mailing-lists.
I dislike such an approach to apply on public mailing list server...
As a matter of cource, It should be discussed with English on this
list. *But* if someone use below mailer (like stupid mailer on M$,
Mac or something) we cannot send any mails...
> A problem exists:
> MS Outlook Express looks attach iso-2022-jp everytime even if the
> mail hasn't any Japanese words. That's bad. :-X
-- GOTO Masanori
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