A second g++-3.0 question
The following (template instantiations), lines 48 and 49 of a file
(which attached in full)
template void reverse(std::vector<double>::iterator, std::vector<double>::iterator);
template void sort(std::vector<double>::iterator, std::vector<double>::iterator
compile in g++ 2.96, but they fail in g++ 3.0, with the error message:
template.cc:48: non-template used as template
template.cc:49: non-template used as template
Q: Any advice on how to do this?
// Instantiate templates.
// BUG: this code may well need changing as compilers evolve
// BUG: in how they handle templates. :=(
#include <string>
#include <vector> // part of STL
#include <stdio.h>
#include <algorithm> // part of STL
#include "gr.hh"
#include "defaults.hh"
#include "private.hh"
#include "types.hh"
#include "gr_coll.hh"
#include "GriColor.hh"
#include "GMatrix.hh"
#include "GriState.hh"
#include "Synonym.hh"
#include "Variable.hh"
#if defined(USING_CXX_REPO)
template void sort(vector<double>::iterator, vector<double>::iterator);
// Instantiate on DEC c++ compiler
#if defined(__DECCXX)
//#pragma define_template void reverse(vector<double>::iterator, vector<double>::iterator);
//#pragma define_template void sort(vector<double>::iterator, vector<double>::iterator);
#pragma define_template vector<BlockSource>
#pragma define_template vector<CmdFile>
#pragma define_template vector<DataFile>
#pragma define_template vector<GriState>
#pragma define_template vector<GriSynonym>
#pragma define_template vector<GriVariable>
#pragma define_template vector<RpnItem>
#pragma define_template vector<bool>
#pragma define_template vector<double>
#pragma define_template vector<float>
#pragma define_template vector<int>
#pragma define_template vector<unsigned char>
#pragma define_template vector<char*>
#pragma define_template GriMatrix<bool>
#pragma define_template GriMatrix<double>
#endif // DEC compiler
// Instantiate on GNU c++ compiler
#if defined(__GNUC__)
template void reverse(std::vector<double>::iterator, std::vector<double>::iterator);
template void sort(std::vector<double>::iterator, std::vector<double>::iterator);
template class std::vector<BlockSource>;
template class std::vector<CmdFile>;
template class std::vector<DataFile>;
template class std::vector<GriNamedColor>;
template class std::vector<GriState>;
template class std::vector<GriSynonym>;
template class std::vector<GriVariable>;
template class std::vector<RpnItem>;
template class std::vector<bool>;
template class std::vector<double>;
template class std::vector<float>;
template class std::vector<int>;
template class std::vector<unsigned char>;
template class std::vector<char*>;
template class GriMatrix<bool>;
template class GriMatrix<double>;
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