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Debian LDAP Schema

Wichert, some time ago you were talking about the possibility of getting an 
ISO number assigned to Debian so we can create our own official LDAP schema.  
Has there been any progress on this issue?  If not then what has to be done?

I would like to see the allowedServices and deniedServices attributes (as 
used by proftpd) in a standard schema.  Also I would like to see some 
standard attributes for specifying which IP addresses can be used as clients 
of a service (currently there is no good match).
I believe that the best way to do this is through a networkSecurity 
objectClass which allows such attributes (and any related things that we can 
think of).

Also what are the implications of changing the schema on an OpenLDAP 2.0 
server?  If I just make up some numbers in the ISO numbering scheme and then 
want to move to the standard numbers would I need to do a slapcat/slapadd?

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