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Re: debian 2.3

Today, The nameless One <rob@debianplanet.org> wrote:
> If you can find a lightweight console game then i;m sure they'll
> include it
> ;))

Hmm. There is captris, which will not be there as long as capt is not in
the boot disks, and then there is:

Package: robotfindskitten
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.1.2), libncurses5
Architecture: i386
Size: 22358
Description: Zen Simulation of robot finding kitten
 In this simulation, you play the part of robot. Your task is to
 complete the simulation by finding kitten, as is your destiny, and
 indeed your wont.  You (robot) are represented by the # character, and
 you move around with the arrow keys touching things.  If the thing you
 touch is kitten, you get a cute little animation (which was cuter in
 the DOS version) and the simulation ends. Otherwise, you get a brief
 description of what it is you touched.

Is installed-size: 116 small enough? (-:

IIRC, rfk can be found at:
deb http://zork.net/debian potato main

Andreas Fuchs, <asf@acm.org>, <d96001@htlwrn.ac.at>, antifuchs
Hail RMS! Hail Cthulhu! Hail Eris! All hail Discordia!

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