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Re: evolution 0.9-1 completely broken?

>>>>> "MP" == Michael Piefel <piefel@informatik.hu-berlin.de> writes:

    MP> Another thing that bothers me to no end is that you seem to be
    MP> unable to configure your system such as to adhere to
    MP> Netiquette. Or do you have real concerns which prohibit you
    MP> from using your real name? I'm sorry if Xsdg in fact _is_ your
    MP> complete real name, no offence meant.

Man, I just can't let this one go by. What literalist fuckhead rock
did you just crawl out from under? Since _when_ are handles, nicks or
nyms forbidden on debian-devel? Since _when_ are they even poor

You're a -weenie-. You wouldn't happen to be fond of Python, would


Evan Prodromou

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