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Re: Developement

On Tuesday 13 March 2001 17:56, qasim noorani wrote:
> I have been referred to debian by John Walker at Linux International.  I
> have some questions on the developement of a new Linux distribution and the
> marketing of this new distribution as well.  I am at the beginning stages
> of developing this new distribution and would like some help and/or
> guidance on which direction to go in.  I would like to put a team together
> if anyone is interested.  Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks
> for all your help.

Firstly for someone who wants to create an entirely separate distribution 
they will be faced with a need to maintain all the packages themselves.  Just 
maintaining libc6 and gcc alone will take a significant amount of effort.

Debian is free, there is nothing preventing you from copying it and then 
using that as a base for doing everything independantly (with appropriate 
attribution of course).  However that would involve a large duplication of 
effort and probably isn't the best way to achieve your aims.

You probably intend to address some market that Debian isn't adequately 
addressing, there is nothing stopping you from mirroring the main Debian 
packages and creating a distribution based on a sub-set of the main Debian 
packages.  Then you could add extra packages to support the features you 
desire and create new install disks to install in the way you want.

However if your desire is just to have a distribution to meet the needs of a 
consulting company then it might be best for you to become a Debian developer 
and just enhance the Debian distribution to do what you want.

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