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Re: E-commerce made easy

On Monday 12 March 2001 12:09, Michael Meskes wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2001 at 11:00:27AM +0100, Russell Coker wrote:
> > To avoid getting hit by the DUL myself I have my laptop configured with
> > Postfix on localhost, Postfix sends mail to a port on localhost which is
> > owned by inetd.  Inetd runs ssh to connect to my server and the SMTP
> > communication runs through this.  So I can send mail from anywhere in the
> > world and it comes from my server, so I can send mail even when the ISP I
> > am using has it's relays blocked by ORBS etc.
> But where do you find that server? You say it's yours, that means you do
> have a server on a leased line. What if I do not have that?

I have a server on a permanent modem connection with a fixed IP address.  If 
you don't have that then you try and find it.  There are companies that offer 
suitable access to a server to allow this sort of thing for a small fee.  
Also ISPs offer a variety of Co-location type services.  I have included the 
URL for a site that charges $100 startup fee and $200 per month for 20G of 
transfers, for that you get your own Linux server that you manage yourself.
The site is in .NL, it's got good connectivity to Europe and XS4All has good 
a good record regarding privacy and protection of customer's rights (they 
won't close your site if a cult threatens you).


I have been considering this for some time, but at the moment I don't feel 
that it justifies $US200 per month for the amount of use (maybe at some 
future time).

I will set it up if one of two things happens:
1)  I find a few people to share the costs with and we can all suitably trust 
each other (trust the skills and the intentions) such that everyone can have 
root access - or have some people who just want user-level access.
2)  I find a lot of spare time or find some people to help me so that I can 
develop some of my online-community ideas.  In this case I'll have a need for 
several gigs per month of traffic and it'll be worth the money for me to pay 
$US2400 per year.

> > This isn't so hard to do.  I would be happy to assist anyone who is
> > having trouble setting it up.
> I'd be interested in looking into this configuration of course. In fact the
> more I think about it the better it sounds.

Here's my rlinetd.conf settings:
service "ssmtp" {
    port "ssmtp";
    user "foo";
    exec "/usr/bin/ssh foo@server -p 22 -C /usr/local/bin/localsmtp";
    nice 5;

localsmtp is a script that runs "/usr/local/sbin/pass 25" because 
ssh doesn't seem to like giving command-line parameters when run from inetd.  
The program pass makes a connection to port 25 of and passes data 
between stdin/stdout and that port.
Note that local account foo has a ssh RSA key that lets it login to account 
foo on "server" without a password.
I think that there may be a better program than pass in Debian now, maybe 
netcat will do it.
If not let me know and I'll package pass.  I probably should package it 
anyway, the later versions of pass have some nice features such as the 
ability to connect to one of two addresses depending on where it was run from 
(a feature which allowed me to make a crappy Lotus Notes mail server work 
without redesigning the network around it).

http://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++/     Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark
http://www.coker.com.au/postal/       Postal SMTP/POP benchmark
http://www.coker.com.au/projects.html Projects I am working on
http://www.coker.com.au/~russell/     My home page

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