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Re: portability as a goal for debian?

* Hamish Moffatt (hamish@debian.org) [010307 10:33]:
> > No, but I support those who do.  A tar should be essential.  I see no
> > reason why it should be gtar.  
> Any reason why it shouldn't?

flexibility, portability, robustness
> We seem to spend a lot of time trying to find the lowest common
> denominator lately, rather than actually using the advanced features
> we have. 

we can use the advanced features when we need them. but we (and
programmers in general) should try to not throw all we have at
even simple problems. Why do *you* use gcc and #include termios
instead of a COM object if you program your serial line?

because feature use without need is bloat?

> Why bother developing an advanced OS when we discourage
> use of the advanced features for compatibility reasons?

Saint Exupery (spelling badly broken) said, that something was
perfekt when you could take nothing away, not add nothing more.

an advanced os is an os that gets the most done with little
footprint. of cause we must choose not to wast time on minimizing
here. but that is not the problem right now. the problem is
laziness and The Way People Used To Think. 

one allways runs into problems when challanging that.

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