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State of tcl/tk for woody ?

Just a quick request for comments: What's the status of tcl/tk in woody ?

I guess in the end my question boils down to a question if the combination
of package pools and our current autobuild daemons in fact do work reliably
and fast enough.

I have a few packages (python, python2, sketch) that depend and build-depend
on tcl/tk.

I noticed that the tcl8.3/tk8.3 packages still have not yet made their way
from unstable into testing. update_execuses seems to imply that it's a
problem with the tcl8.3 source at the moment ('tcl8.3 (alpha arm i386 m68k
powerpc sparc source) is buggy (1 > 0)', 'not considered').

This 'buggy' seems to be triggered by Bug#87708 'sharedlibextension
incorrect, breaks pkg_mkIndex', which in fact is a grave bug in 8.3.2-6.

Now how does this go together with freezing testing ? python2 sits in
unstables since ages (well, since a few weeks), but has no chance to get
into testing unless I reupload the package recompiled with tcl/tk8.0.

python fixes a few important things, too, but is stuck in unstables unless
tk8.3 gets moved, since only then the autobuilders will start to work on it.

Perhaps I miss something in the picture, but I have the impression that the
package pool and the condition (a package must be compiled on all
architectures) on the migration of packages to testing makes adoption of new
libraries very, very slow.


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