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openldapd (stable) --> slapd (unstable)


How do I upgrade my openldapd database so slapd can access it?

I tried[1][2] (by guesswork as I couldn't see it documented anywhere):

ldbmcat -n id2entry.dbb > /ldif

but the installation of slapd complains at line 11, which is a blank
line separating two entries. (The postinst script probably should have
aborted installation on this error, but didn't...  oh well... another
bug I guess). The ldif file looks fine to me.

I have contacted the maintainer by private E-Mail, but so far got no
response, probably because he is busy and/or I am impatient <grin>.

So far someone has suggested that I should file a RC bug, but first I
want to try and get all the facts in order - like how it is meant to

(it is possible that slapd is designed to automatically upgrade the
database when the package is being upgraded, but the packages
conflict, so I had to remove openldapd first).

Also, the BTS seems to be running extremely slowly today (2 minutes 21
seconds to report no bugs for slapd? I am sure bugs existed 2 days

[1] is there anyway of doing this after slapd has been installed, or
do I need to install openldapd again first?
[2] perhaps I should not have used the -n option?
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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