Re: Variable in Depends: ??
On Sunday 25 February 2001 17:55, Nicolás Lichtmaier wrote:
> > You are assuming that the version of the kernel that is being run is the
> > same as the version that is being compiled for. This is bad and means
> > multiple reboots if you want to compile for multiple kernels.
> > "uname -r" should be replaced with the following:
> > head -4 /usr/src/linux/Makefile | sed -e "s/ //g" > foo
> > /bin/sh ./foo
> And you are assuming that the kernel headers are in /usr/src. The proper
The ltmodem source also makes this assumption, although you can over-ride the
variable if you want.
> way to do this, IMO, would be to call gcc with the same arguments than the
> ones used in the compilation, and do:
The ltmodem package copies files from the main Linux source tree, patches
them, and compiles them with it's own source and links with the proprietary
.o file. Calling gcc with the same arguements is probably more pain than
anyone would want.
I've been hacking on ltmodem recently. What it does is not particularly nice
or easy to work with, but is unfortunately about the only way to do what it
wants to do.
-- Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark Postal SMTP/POP benchmark Projects I am working on My home page
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