Re: dbs package - should I upload it?
>>>>> "Adam" == Adam Heath <> writes:
Adam> I have already done alot of this work. Currently, I can
Adam> extract old style(single diff) and new style(multiple
Adam> diff/tar). There is preliminary support for building old
Adam> style, and the start of new style.
Adam> It supports zip, jar, tar, ar, gz, Z, bz, bz2. You name it,
Adam> it does it. The last stage of this I was rewriting to make
Adam> it modular, so it is easy to add new file formats in the
Adam> future.
Hopefully it can be done in such a way that code can be reused for
programs like dbs-edit-patch, without having to re-invent the wheel...
Adam> (btw, the latest version of dbs that is floating around in
Adam> various packages already support .zip/.jar)
Oh, one thing which makes me nervous about DBS (at least using Ben's
modified version), is the default of patch -p1. For most applications
this is a good thing. If, however, after extracting the source,
multiple top level directories are created, it could be a problem.
Will packages that rely on multiple source packages be supported? An
example of why this would be useful, consider a Debian source package
that takes a number of different upstream perl modules, and produces
one Debian package (because the upstream split is not worth-while).
This is probably a good example of why multiple top level directories
may be required.
Brian May <>
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